We invite submissions of research/survey/application/demo papers related to the AI applications/theories of cognitive and physical frailty, including but not limited to the following:
Submissions can be research/survey/application/demo papers limited to 6 pages (including references) or extend abstracts limited to 500 words (excluding references) in free format or the International Journal of Crowd Science format. Please note that the demo paper should contain a 3-5 minutes video and attach a hyperlink within their submission. The seminar committee will review the submissions in a single-blind fashion. We encourage submissions of studies that have been previously published or are to be presented at the main conference. Authors will have the option to make their submissions non-archival, eliminating potential dual-submission conflicts with other venues.
All accepted papers will be invited for publication in our seminar proceedings in the International Journal of Crowd Science, and for a 10-15 minutes oral presentation at the seminar.
Paper submission and review will be handled through CMT, at https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/IJCAIAIF2022
There may be minor changes to the submission deadline in line with the policies of the conference.